Sorry for the late update, the last few sessions my WiFi was not working in class.
This last speaker was interesting. I'm definitely taking the advice of getting a girlfriend before starting the company to heart, I'll bear that in mind when I get back home :)
What I liked particularly, is that finally we had a speaker that addressed the critical mass issue with these sort of websites. . I liked his response which is simple aggressive 'in your face' marketing.
The concept that every entrepreneurial idea comes down to a list of about 500 questions and issues to be resolved. I will try to use that to evaluate various ideas that I have. Take a look at each of the lists and try to determine which idea is easier to accomplish/pursue.
I loved the jokes he made about the McKinsey consultants (and consultants in general). It was funny.
Again, as many of the speakers stressed, having a prototype to show people, and how important it is. I am really taking this to heart, since with my engineering background I can do the initial risk mitigation phases of many concepts.
This last speaker was interesting. I'm definitely taking the advice of getting a girlfriend before starting the company to heart, I'll bear that in mind when I get back home :)
What I liked particularly, is that finally we had a speaker that addressed the critical mass issue with these sort of websites. . I liked his response which is simple aggressive 'in your face' marketing.
The concept that every entrepreneurial idea comes down to a list of about 500 questions and issues to be resolved. I will try to use that to evaluate various ideas that I have. Take a look at each of the lists and try to determine which idea is easier to accomplish/pursue.
I loved the jokes he made about the McKinsey consultants (and consultants in general). It was funny.
Again, as many of the speakers stressed, having a prototype to show people, and how important it is. I am really taking this to heart, since with my engineering background I can do the initial risk mitigation phases of many concepts.
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